The template has 3 sections. It contains some Movies/Series/Anime for demo, you can get rid of them.
Section 1 contains quick links to the respective blocks for quick and easy navigation.
To Watch
Section 2 contains the linked inline database but with different filters, sorts and views.
All Movies/TV Series/Anime that have the property ‘Watch Status’ set as ‘Watching’.
The different types are set up as gallery views
- All → Shows Movies, TV Series and Anime. Sorted by name in ascending order.
- Movie → Shows only Movies. Sorted by name in ascending order.
- TV Series → Shows only TV Series. Sorted by last edited time in descending order.
- Anime → Shows only Anime. Sorted by last edited time in descending order.
To Watch
All Movies/TV Series/Anime that have the property ‘Watch Status’ set as ‘Unwatched’ i.e. to watch.
The different types are set up as gallery views
- All → Shows Movies, TV Series and Anime. Sorted by name in ascending order.
- Movie → Shows only Movies. Sorted by name in ascending order.
- TV Series → Shows only TV Series. Sorted by last edited time in descending order.
- Anime → Shows only Anime. Sorted by last edited time in descending order.
All Movies/TV Series/Anime that have the property ‘Watch Status’ set as ‘Watched’ i.e. already watched.
The different types are set up as gallery views
- All → Shows Movies, TV Series and Anime. Sorted by last edited time in descending order.
- Movie → Shows only Movies. Sorted by last edited time in descending order.
- TV Series → Shows only TV Series. Sorted by last edited time in descending order.
- Anime → Shows only Anime. Sorted by Last Edited time in descending order.
- Rating Pending → Any watched item that doesn’t have a rating shows up here. Sorted by name in ascending order.